About Me

Me in 30 Seconds

Hello! My name is David Feng.

  • I’m a software engineer at Google.
  • I was a software development manager at Oracle.
  • I have a Ph.D. in chemistry.
  • I like reading in my free time.
  • Recently I’m trying to pick up writing again, starting with weekly updates in Chinese.

See my LinkedIn profile for the whole work and education history.

Email: david dot feng dot ge at gmail dot com

Contributions to Open Source Projects

Looks like I made PRs to almost all themes my website used before 😂

Project Archive


Live 12/16/2022 Update


A Yelp-inspired single-page web app where users can CRUD businesses and reviews.

Built with React.js, Redux, Ruby on Rails, and a PostgreSQL database.




A data visualization web app for motor vehicle collisions in New York City.

Built with React.js, Redux, SASS, Google Maps JavaScript API, Google Charts, and NYPD Motor Vehicle Collisions API.



Last major update: 7/31/2017

An Active Record-inspired object-relational mapping (ORM) library in Ruby.